Thursday, April 12, 2012

Slow Progress

Slow progress has been made and a few of my students should be ready to record their live tracks next week.

I am still not seeing my class with any consistency.  In fact I haven't seen them at all this week.  This week I've been given a hodge podge of fourth graders some of whom are in my elective and some whom are not.  The students in my elective that have come to me this week have been sent off to continue working independently on their GarageBand projects.  I've been doing Intro to GarageBand for the rest of the students who are not usually in my music class.

The state test begins next week, so I am hopeful that we will return to our regular schedule as of Tuesday.  This will leave us with about 12 more class periods to wrap up the GarageBand project.

I'm disappointed that we won't get to the iMovie/film scoring lessons I had planned.  I think my students would have been really excited to dabble in another aspect of composition.


  1. you feel like you're losing your connection with your students when they go off and work on their (however long) projects on Garageband?


  2. @Patrick, When I am seeing my students regularly I am not finding the GarageBand independent work time to be problematic in the least. GarageBand only takes place two days a week. I am still rehearsing with them as a band ensemble twice a week, seeing them for sectional lessons once a week and working with them in other capacities throughout the school day. I've also been working with these same students for three years now. I have found, however, that since testing and related test prep activities have begun and my class has been more frequently cancelled, shortened or preempted that I have started to lose some connection with my students. I feel like my class is being taken less seriously by all involved (myself included) and that is starting to result in a flare up in unproductive behaviors that I rarely experienced earlier in the year when I was seeing my class on a consistent basis.

  3. So once again it goes back to the testing? Are they really cutting your classes short to fit in preps?? Yes, it must be very difficult to maintain an orderly, productive schedule when you're treated like a second-class citizen. I'm sorry you're going through that.
    I'm from Texas by the way. And it seems like it's the same thing up there with the tests. I'm keeping my eye on ed reform and there seems to be some movement in the right direction...

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